To achieve your goals, here’s how we’ll approach our work together:
- Assess: Let’s start with the big questions: What’s your vision? What problem are you solving for people? What makes you unique? Who needs to hear your story? And what do you need them to do? We will get the answers on a white board, just to get the ideas flowing.
- Message: Next, we’ll take all of those ideas and piece them together in a concise, compelling, and cohesive narrative that is easy for your audiences to remember. It’s those three bullet points that, no matter if you’re talking to them in person or they’re reading your website, they will be able to repeat to others.
- Strategize+Plan: Let’s put the carefully chosen words to use in a variety of ways. Blog posts. Web copy. E-blasts. Stump speeches. Bios. Talking points for your grassroots supporters. Pitches to media. You name it. All the parts of a planned out strategy that works together to keep your message tight and compel your audiences to act.
- Execute: Working on your behalf or equipping your team, let’s get the words we created out to those who matter most to your success. Along the way, we’ll tweak the plan but not stray, assess but not get caught up in the minute needle movement. After all, you’ll know success when others start to clearly repeat what you’ve been saying all along.