Piece by piece, or as a cohesive plan, let’s accomplish what you need to get done.
Communications Plan Audit & Build
Let’s look at the tools you use to get your message out, and make sure they are effective, efficient, and impactful. The result is a plan for the future that creates a cohesive and consistent experience for your stakeholders.
Message Definition
Staring at a blank white board, we will pull out all of the ideas, thoughts, words, vision, and ideas in your head and condense them into pithy words that become the foundation for everything you say and share. Think of it as three main bullets that people will see/hear over and over when they learn about you. Success means they start to repeat your message for you, over and over, until you start to hear the buzz.
Website Copy
Whether it’s still in a Word doc or it’s live but stale, we’ll refresh your website copy so that it clearly sends the message you want and meets stakeholders where they are. The result is likely fewer words that make a lasting impression, and the chance to guide your stakeholder from a point of entry to passionate support.
Campaign Plan Development
Let’s take your most important initiative right now – revamping your organization or launching a new endeavor – and get it out to your key stakeholders. We’ll blend traditional and new media, grassroots and thought leadership, and a look and feel that will capture attention.
Stakeholder Audit
I’ll chat with those who matter to you most to learn what they love and need more of from you, and in what areas they would recommend you grow. We’ll use that feedback to better shape and define who you are and what you do, so that you get the chance to do more of it well.
Content Development
Pitches. Proposals. Blog posts. Talking points. That stump speech that every presidential candidate has down cold. Let’s identify and create those foundational pieces to get the word out and capture your stakeholders’ attention.